Ready or Not, Here He Comes!

Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuh,

“The best thing that I have said, I and the prophets before me, is La illaha illah Allah, alone having no associates.” -Muhammad (pbuh)

Alhamdulillah, we’re all anticipating Sh. Yasir Qadhi‘s first-ever visit to Minnesota. Get this: our beloved instructor, hafidhahu Allah, has a surprise in the works. Ready?

No, it’s not a free car give-away; nor is it an autographed copy of his latest book. Think big, because it’s something better… He’s inviting YOU this Thursday night to an interactive “Ilminar” for a sneak peek of the upcoming Light of Guidance!!! This is an open opportunity to meet the Sheikh–albeit virtually–ask him questions, and get a taste of what’s to come in our next class, Insha’Allah.

Who: Everyone; this online ilminar is open to registrants and non-registrants alike–tell your friends & family!

When: Thursday, February 27th at 9pm Central Time

Where: :: You’ll need to return to the site at the exact time & date of the session to participate in the Ilminar

Why: Because Sh. Yasir Qadhi loves us, duh!

Consider this Ilminar to be a “warm-up” for two Ilm-dense weekends on Aqeedah, Tawheed and the weight of the Kalimah, La ilaha illa Allah. A special gift awaits for all attendees… So put your excuses behind, folks; we hope to see you there!

–Q. Madinatayn Volunteer